近來蘋果最新的產品線 Apple Watch,是外界期待即將更新的產品之一,而現在就有最新的消息,顯示蘋果正在希望為 Apple Watch 進行改進,招聘工程師,主要為 Apple Watch 重要功能「錶面」作開發工作。
蘋果最新招聘的職位為”Clock Face Team”,招聘軟件開發經驗達 3 年以上的工程師,為 Apple Watch 開發團隊工作:
As a member of the team you will have many responsibilities relating to the design, development, and testing of the device software.
Collaborating closely with the design team to push the envelope on human-computer interactions.
Creating solutions tailored to the constraints of the software and the hardware of a small, low power device.
Working closely with the iOS Apps, iOS Frameworks and Hardware teams to create robust and maintainable systems that will stand the test of time.
Coordinating with the quality assurance teams to ensure full test coverage as well as to initiate focused testing on critical components.
蘋果推出 watchOS 2.0 時,更新了新的「錶面」設計,讓用戶可以更個人化地使用,相信今次招聘,最快需要 watchOS 3 或更新版本才會看到他們的設計了。