比普通電腦慢 100 萬倍!花上 4 萬英鎊製作電腦就為了玩到這個遊戲!

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James Newman age 54 from Shelford Cambridgeshire with his computer playing Tetris . See Masons copy MNCOMPUTER:An Oxford University science graduate has spent £40,000 making the world’s first walk-in teaching computer – so he can play TETRIS.When James Newman, 55, started making his machine, called the megaprocessor, it was just a couple of metres wide.But nearly five years later the machine stretches 10 metres by two metres and has forced him to remove everything for his three-bed house’s lounge.The software engineer said: “I didn’t plan on spending £40,000 at the start. It grew as time went by and I got a bit more ambitious.

為了玩到喜歡的遊戲,可能有不少人都不惜花上大量金錢,以最高效能,最高配備的規格,組裝自己喜歡的電腦,少則花上數千元,多則可能花上數萬元,不知道大家是否也曾經自行組裝過電腦呢?不論有沒有組裝過,你的電腦又值多少錢呢?近日英國有一名男子,他用上了 5 年時間,花上了 4 萬英鎊,折合約 410,000 港元或是約 1,700,000 新台幣,組裝了一部不尋常的電腦。

James Newman age 54 from Shelford Cambridgeshire with his computer playing Tetris . See Masons copy MNCOMPUTER:An Oxford University science graduate has spent £40,000 making the world's first walk-in teaching computer - so he can play TETRIS.When James Newman, 55, started making his machine, called the megaprocessor, it was just a couple of metres wide.But nearly five years later the machine stretches 10 metres by two metres and has forced him to remove everything for his three-bed house's lounge.The software engineer said: "I didn't plan on spending £40,000 at the start. It grew as time went by and I got a bit more ambitious.

James Newman age 54 from Shelford Cambridgeshire with his computer . See Masons copy MNCOMPUTER:An Oxford University science graduate has spent £40,000 making the world's first walk-in teaching computer - so he can play TETRIS.When James Newman, 55, started making his machine, called the megaprocessor, it was just a couple of metres wide.But nearly five years later the machine stretches 10 metres by two metres and has forced him to remove everything for his three-bed house's lounge.The software engineer said: "I didn't plan on spending £40,000 at the start. It grew as time went by and I got a bit more ambitious.

外國媒體報導,他的這台一電腦絕對不同尋常,一般來說越貴的電腦,效能通常就會越高,但是他的這一台電腦卻比普通的電腦慢了 100 萬倍,RAM 也比普通的電腦少了 100 萬倍,而體積上卻換來了長 10 米寬 2 米的大小,重約 0.5 公噸,幾乎佔據了 James Newman 的整個休息室空間。

James Newman age 54 from Shelford Cambridgeshire with his computer . See Masons copy MNCOMPUTER:An Oxford University science graduate has spent £40,000 making the world's first walk-in teaching computer - so he can play TETRIS.When James Newman, 55, started making his machine, called the megaprocessor, it was just a couple of metres wide.But nearly five years later the machine stretches 10 metres by two metres and has forced him to remove everything for his three-bed house's lounge.The software engineer said: "I didn't plan on spending £40,000 at the start. It grew as time went by and I got a bit more ambitious.


James 表示,他製作這台電腦,就只是用來玩到經典遊戲「俄羅斯方塊」,但其實他內裡更深入的意義,是可以讓人們用一個更簡單的範例來讓人更好好地理解這台電腦的運作方式。


James Newman age 54 from Shelford Cambridgeshire computer the he built . See Masons copy MNCOMPUTER:An Oxford University science graduate has spent £40,000 making the world's first walk-in teaching computer - so he can play TETRIS.When James Newman, 55, started making his machine, called the megaprocessor, it was just a couple of metres wide.But nearly five years later the machine stretches 10 metres by two metres and has forced him to remove everything for his three-bed house's lounge.The software engineer said: "I didn't plan on spending £40,000 at the start. It grew as time went by and I got a bit more ambitious.

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