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Donald Trump speaks during the family leadership summit in Ames, Iowa Saturday Aug. 10, 2013. Republican presidential hopefuls are hoping to impress conservative voters at the conference organized by an influential Christian group. The daylong event will be one of many candidate cattle calls in the grueling run-up to the 2016 presidential election. None of the potential contenders appearing Saturday has declared candidacy. Conservative voters could be key to a 2016 victory in Iowa’s caucuses, the nation’s first presidential nominating event. (AP Photo/Justin Hayworth)

相信大家都有聽聞過,蘋果或會在將來的政策下,把 iPhone 帶回美國進行生產。近日美國新一任總統 Trump 在接受美國《紐約時報》訪問時,Trump 就透露他與與蘋果 CEO Tim Cook 進行了一次完整的對話。Trump 表示,當 Tim Cook 告知他蘋果公司正計劃在美國建造一座或多座工廠,要把蘋果產品不再是「中國製造」或是「越南製造」,變身成「美國製造」時,他感到很有成就感。

Donald Trump speaks during the family leadership summit in Ames, Iowa Saturday Aug. 10, 2013. Republican presidential hopefuls are hoping to impress conservative voters at the conference organized by an influential Christian group. The daylong event will be one of many candidate cattle calls in the grueling run-up to the 2016 presidential election. None of the potential contenders appearing Saturday has declared candidacy. Conservative voters could be key to a 2016 victory in Iowa's caucuses, the nation's first presidential nominating event. (AP Photo/Justin Hayworth)

Trump 表示,Tim Cook 對於「美國製造」就只說了一句說話:「我明白你的感受」。相信對於美國製造,很多人都不會抗拒,不過美國製造會帶來很大的成本問題。Trump 表示「會對蘋果提供大筆的減免稅額,相信你聽到這個消息一定會很開心」。


不過其實成本的增加,並不只是在稅務問題之上這麼簡單,要知道蘋果產品的零件生產上,大多數都是來自亞洲地區,在中國組裝不只是在工人薪金上的成本減少,而且更是在運輸成本上省下了不少。如果要把零件由亞洲運到美國,再加上工人成本,iPhone 等裝置一定會漲價不少。Trump 真的可以為世界經濟帶來正面增長嗎?


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