iOS 11 版從正式版推出以來,不少問題湧現,被指為「史上最 bug」,甚至影響蘋果在 iOS 12 的開發,但是有部分工程師不是這樣看。
前微軟 Windows 部門主管 Steven Sinofsky 在 Twitter 發表達 44 篇帖子,對蘋果因解決 iOS 11 bug 而延遲 iOS 12 新功能的傳聞抱有疑問,他認為蘋果拖慢 iOS 開發速度並不是要解決 bug,而是在 iPhone 和 iPad 普及之下的一個調整,就像蘋果收購了 NeXT 公司一樣,他批評現時討論的焦點沒有集中在討論功能、時間和質素的差別,原因是進行一個項目不論是流程和方法,也可能隨著時間轉變而要重新思考。蘋果在 iOS 是一個極大而且長期的的投資,像 Face ID 這些功能往往要一段時間才能令人接受,因此蘋果需要集中在某一重點進發,例如選擇了用戶和開發者,並在不同的時間制定適時的策略。
1/ Apple has a software problem. Here’s how it plans to fix it. https://t.co/dJaikfRhs7 via @markgurman // Let’s take a step back and talk about the broader context and product development at scale. Lots follows…
— 🧘🏻♂️Steven Sinofsky ॐ (@stevesi) February 12, 2018
Sinofsky 進一步指,iOS 之所以有那麼多 bug 並不是蘋果產品質素下降,而是擁有巨大的客戶數目,他舉例子說 iPhone X 銷在短時間內從 0 升至 3000 萬,即使在 0.01% 用戶發生 bug,受害用戶數也可以塞滿一個體育館,Sinofsky 認為 iOS/Mac 的穩定程度比過去的穩定很多,包括不能操作、數據遺失、死機問題方面。
24/ In any absolute sense the quality of Mac/iOS + h/w are at quality levels our industry has just not seen before. Think of the scale of iPhone X release. From zero to 30M in months. That’s just insane. And it works better/more reliable than just about anything else I can buy.
— 🧘🏻♂️Steven Sinofsky ॐ (@stevesi) February 12, 2018
25/ How does that explain general “buggy” feeling w/ so many super smart/skilled people saying products are suffering? It’s because of the depth and scale of usage that comes w/success. A responsibility.
— 🧘🏻♂️Steven Sinofsky ॐ (@stevesi) February 12, 2018
26/ Look, there are bugs. You (and Apple) can make a list of them. But mostly this is about change. I know people say that isn’t the case but it is. On any absolute scale number of bugs—non-working, data losing, hanging mistakes—in iOS/Mac is far far less today than ever before.
— 🧘🏻♂️Steven Sinofsky ॐ (@stevesi) February 12, 2018
27/ I can’t prove this but I’ve also worked on some really big projects where people said the same thing and we had tons of data. Apple has the same data. What is different is that at scale a bug that happens to 0.01% of people is a lot of people. A stadium full or more.
— 🧘🏻♂️Steven Sinofsky ॐ (@stevesi) February 12, 2018
Sinofsky 最後在第 38 篇帖子提到,一個成功運行的項目需要審視所有系統以及設定一個長期目標,才能定出開發和推出日子,就像新的文件系統(APFS)、Face ID、大量雲端服務等等,換言之蘋果延遲某些功能不在 iOS 12 推出,也不能被描述為蘋果有什麼 bug 拖累。
38/ Big projects, well-run are going to look across all systems and a long-term POV and develop a portfolio of what to do where/when. That’s how you get something like a new file system years in making to show. Or killer FaceID. Or all of a sudden have tons of cloud features.
— 🧘🏻♂️Steven Sinofsky ॐ (@stevesi) February 12, 2018