杜絕詐騙來電?蘋果新專利讓 iPhone 預知騙徒電話!

iPhone Phone Call

蘋果的智能手機 iPhone,一直是蘋果的主要產品及收入來源,同時間,亦是最多人購買的手機之一,因此蘋果不斷改進 iPhone 功能,而現在就有最新的消息,就是蘋果正在開發最新的技術,可以幫助用戶減少接收到一些欺騙性電話來電,代表用戶可以不需要下載額外的軟件,就可以使用。

iPhone Phone Call


ios 12 reporting spam sms and call 01
BERLIN, GERMANY – SEPTEMBER 19: A shopper ltries out the new Apple iPhone 6 at the Apple Store on the first day of sales of the new phone in Germany on September 19, 2014 in Berlin, Germany. Hundreds of people had waited in a line that went around the block through the night in order to be among the first people to buy the new smartphone, which comes in two versions: the Apple iPhone 6 and the somewhat larger Apple iPhone 6 Plus. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

近來手機的普及,讓不少不法人士使用手機作犯罪用途,例如有一些黑客訊息,速遞電話,用來騙取用戶的金錢,不少用戶受騙,是各大手機廠商最希望解決的問題,不知道蘋果最新的功能,各位有沒有興趣呢?相信新功能會在未來數年正式推出在 iOS 更新上。


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