【直送本地】7 吋 Kindle Oasis 2 再次降價 性價比更勝 Oasis 3


Amazon Kindle Oasis 2 早前首次降價,不過當推廣完結後卻突然推出 Kindle Oasis 3,令不少人感到意外。不過由於 Kindle Oasis 3 只是分別主要在色溫調校,加上首發價格相當高,因此叫人卻步。若你後悔早前沒有買 Kindle Oasis 2,今次就是好機會了!因為 Kindle Oasis 2 再度降價!

Amazon Kindle Oasis boosk 2

Kindle Oasis 2 降價

如果你經常用 Kindle 的話,相信 Kindle Oasis 一定是你夢寐以求的電子閱讀器!7 吋大螢幕 300dpi 的螢幕已叫人心動!

今次是 Amazon 再將旗艦版 Kindle 降價,幅度約 17% 至 19%,美版會便宜一些,但國際版則可以直送本地,兩者降價幅度相同。簡單來說,國際版貴美版約 HK$200 /NT$1000,再另加約 HK$100/NT$400 運費,用戶無須處理集運等問題,到貨也會較快。

至於不急,又想便宜的話,美版是最多人的選擇!8GB 版降至 US$199.99,直降近 20%,而 32GB 版則為 US$249.99。


經驗分享! Kindle、Paperwhite、Oasis 哪個版本最適合你?

Kindle 有很多版本,但如果不計舊型號,產品線大約可分為 3 台機,分別是 Kindle、Kindle Paperwhite 及 Kindle Oasis。筆者直接告訴大家感受吧!

Kindle 入門版

US$69.99 定價的 Kindle 入門版,售價平易近人,以往入門版 Kindle 是沒有 LED 燈,但現在已加入了 4 組 LED 燈了!因此,在光線不足的環境也可輕鬆看書。而跟其餘兩台最大的分別,就是分辨率只有 167 ppi,有時覺得文字不夠滑,有輕微起格情況。

Kindle Paperwhite

US$99.99 定價的 Kindle Paperwhite,簡單來說就是 Kindle 入門版的 300 ppi 版,而 LED 有 5 組,較入門版多 1 組。而 300 ppi 已是 e-ink 現時最高的分辨率,因此肉眼也看不到起格情況。

Kindle Oasis

一台 Oasis 等於 2 台 Paperwhite 的高定價,但 7 吋螢幕大幅提升 30% 閱讀空間,加上 12 組 LED 及全自動調校光度設計,令任何時間看書也可以很舒適。手感更是一流,配合翻頁實體鍵,單手看書感覺更自在。而 Oasis 使用更快的處理器,因此反應速度遠超 Kindle Paperwhite。


Amazon Kindle 有雲端下載功能,刪除了也可下載回來。除非你要同時看幾百本書或儲存大量 PDF,否則基本的 8GB 也足夠有餘。當然,你儲存大量漫畫則要多點空間。

e-ink 就是不一樣

每次推薦 Kindle,也會有人問,為什麼不用 iPad?分別其實就是 Kindle 用 e-ink 螢幕,就像看實體紙本書一般舒適,長期閱讀也不會累。Kindle 是當今最佳的 e-ink 閱讀器,操作體驗是遠超其他硬件看起很強的 Android 閱讀器,最重要就是 Amazon 書庫的配合,想便宜可用中國 Amazon,想看外文書可用美國 Amazon。而買 Kindle 的原因,其實就是想多看一點書豐富自己,買 Kindle 的錢絕對物超所值!


國際版跟美版硬件上沒有分別,但國際版不會有廣告(雖然 Kindle 廣告一點也不煩)。此外就是有直送,不用怕集運過程中出問題,有事也可找 Amazon 跟進,但價格當然高一點。

總結:US$199 VS US$249

買 Oasis 3 或是 Oasis 2 好?8GB 版來看,分別差價為 $50 美元,如果你覺得值得為色溫調校功能而付多 US$50,買新一定不會錯!但如果你覺得色溫功能不重要,那麼省回 US$50 更化算。

Oasis 2

Kindle Oasis E-reader (Previous Generation - 9th) - Graphite, 7" High-Resolution Display (300 ppi), Waterproof, Built-In Audible, 8 GB, Wi-Fi - Includes Special Offers (Closeout)
  • Now available in Graphite or Champagne Gold.
  • Our largest, highest resolution display— 7” and 300 ppi, reads like real paper without glare, even in bright sunlight.
  • The first waterproof (IPX8) Kindle so you are free to read in even more places.
  • Now with Audible, listen to the world’s largest library of audiobooks. Pair with Bluetooth to take the story with you anytime, anywhere.
  • Thin and light ergonomic design with dedicated page turn buttons and adaptive front light so you can read even more comfortably for hours.
Kindle Oasis E-reader (Previous Generation - 9th) – Graphite, 7" High-Resolution Display (300 ppi), Waterproof, Built-In Audible, 32 GB, Wi-Fi - with Special Offers (Closeout)
  • Now available in Graphite or Champagne Gold.
  • Our largest, highest resolution display— 7” and 300 ppi, reads like real paper without glare, even in bright sunlight.
  • The first waterproof (IPX8) Kindle so you are free to read in even more places.
  • Now with Audible, listen to the world’s largest library of audiobooks. Pair with Bluetooth to take the story with you anytime, anywhere.
  • Thin and light ergonomic design with dedicated page turn buttons and adaptive front light so you can read even more comfortably for hours.



Kindle Oasis E-reader (Previous Generation - 9th) - 7" High-Resolution Display (300 ppi), Waterproof, 8 GB, Wi-Fi (International Version) (Closeout)
  • Our largest, highest resolution display— 7” and 300 ppi, reads like real paper without glare, even in bright sunlight.
  • The first waterproof (IPX8) Kindle so you are free to read in even more places.
  • Thin and light ergonomic design with dedicated page turn buttons and adaptive front light so you can read even more comfortably for hours.
  • Keep reading—a single charge lasts weeks, not hours.
  • Enjoy twice the storage with 8 GB. Or choose 32 GB to carry even more titles with you.
Kindle Oasis E-reader - 7" High-Resolution Display (300 ppi), Waterproof, 32 GB, Wi-Fi (International Version)
  • Our largest, highest resolution display— 7” and 300 ppi, reads like real paper without glare, even in bright sunlight.
  • The first waterproof (IPX8) Kindle so you are free to read in even more places.
  • Thin and light ergonomic design with dedicated page turn buttons and adaptive front light so you can read even more comfortably for hours.
  • Keep reading—a single charge lasts weeks, not hours.
  • Enjoy twice the storage with 8 GB. Or choose 32 GB to carry even more titles with you.

Oasis 3

Kindle Oasis – With 7” display and page turn buttons
  • Our best 7", 300 ppi flush-front Paperwhite display.
  • Adjustable warm light to shift screen shade from white to amber.
  • Waterproof (IPX8) so you can read in the bath or by the pool. Your Kindle has been tested to withstand accidental immersion in water.
  • Thin and light ergonomic design with page turn buttons.
  • Reads like real paper with the latest e-ink technology for fast page turns.
Kindle Oasis – With 7” display and page turn buttons
  • Our best 7", 300 ppi flush-front Paperwhite display.
  • Adjustable warm light to shift screen shade from white to amber.
  • Waterproof (IPX8) so you can read in the bath or by the pool. Your Kindle has been tested to withstand accidental immersion in water.
  • Thin and light ergonomic design with page turn buttons.
  • Reads like real paper with the latest e-ink technology for fast page turns.


International Version – Kindle Oasis – Now with adjustable warm light - 8 GB, Graphite
  • Our best 7", 300ppi flush-front Paperwhite display
  • Adjustable warm light to shift screen shade from white to amber
  • Waterproof (IPX8) so you can read in the bath or by the pool
  • Thin and light ergonomic design with page turn buttons
  • Reads like real paper with the latest e-ink technology for fast page turns
International Version – AT&T – Kindle Oasis – With 7” display and page turn buttons - 32 GB, Graphite - Free 4G LTE + Wi-Fi
  • Our best 7", 300ppi flush-front Paperwhite display
  • Adjustable warm light to shift screen shade from white to amber
  • Waterproof (IPX8) so you can read in the bath or by the pool
  • Thin and light ergonomic design with page turn buttons
  • Reads like real paper with the latest e-ink technology for fast page turns

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