【直送本地】VR 神器 Oculus Go 限時 65 折!比 Black Friday 更便宜!


聖誕節快到,最受歡迎的 VR 眼鏡 Oculus Go 進行限時特價,32GB 版 75 折,64GB 則有 8 折。今次 32GB 版本價格創下新低,比 Black Friday 更要低!如果是香港地區更有免費送貨,台灣則要付一點運費。

不論是現場音樂會、體育賽事還是節目等活動,VR 都能帶來佳節第一排座位的頂級享受。有了它就可以看 Youtube VR、Netflix 等各種 不同 VR 平台的內容。

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Oculus Go Standalone Virtual Reality Headset - 32GB
  • Personal Viewing: The littlest, big screen. Crystal clear optics and state-of-the-art 3D graphics make your headset feel more like a personal theater
  • Viewing with Friends: Watch with friends. Meet up in VR with friends and fans from around the world to catch live sports, concerts, or just your favorite TV show
  • Portable & Easy to Use: Ready when you are. Experience portable, all-in-1 VR. That means no PC, phone, wires or hassles
  • Controller: Effortless control. Whether it's navigating to your favorite shows or to a far-off land, the intuitive controller makes getting there a cinch
  • Built-In Audio: Surrounded by sound. Spatial audio drivers are built right into the headset, providing dramatic, immersive sound without the need for bulky or tangled headphones. Oculus Go also features a 3.5 millimeter audio jack
Oculus Go Standalone Virtual Reality Headset - 64GB
  • Personal Viewing: The littlest, big screen. Crystal clear optics and state-of-the-art 3D graphics make your headset feel more like a personal theater
  • Viewing with Friends: Watch with friends. Meet up in VR with friends and fans from around the world to catch live sports, concerts, or just your favorite TV show
  • Portable & Easy to Use: Ready when you are. Experience portable, all-in-1 VR. That means no PC, phone, wires or hassles
  • Controller: Effortless control. Whether it's navigating to your favorite shows or to a far-off land, the intuitive controller makes getting there a cinch
  • Built-In Audio: Surrounded by sound. Spatial audio drivers are built right into the headset, providing dramatic, immersive sound without the need for bulky or tangled headphones. Oculus Go also features a 3.5 millimeter audio jack

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