【快閃特價】Sony 無線降噪耳機 WH-XB900N 只要六折


目前在 Amazon 商店中,由 Sony 所推出的無線降噪耳機 WH-XB900N 從原先的 248 美元特價至 148 美元,即使加上運費也比多數商場賣得便宜。而本次特價活動只到今日 (8 月 19 日) 15 時為止,因此想要的用戶手腳要快。


WH-XB900N 耳機具備卓越低音和進階降噪功能,讓你得以專注於音樂。盡情沉浸於專屬自己的音樂饗宴。

Sony WHXB900N Noise Cancelling Headphones, Wireless Bluetooth Over the Ear Headset with Mic for Phone-Call and Alexa Voice Control- Black (WH-XB900N/B)
  • Feel the power of extra bass
  • Next-level digital noise cancelling technology
  • Enjoy the convenience of hands-free calling thanks to the integrated microphone and Bluetooth connectivity
  • Get up to 30 hours of battery life
  • Touch sensor controls to pause play skip tracks control volume activate your voice assistant and answer phone calls

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