Intel 發佈第 11 代筆電專用處理器 Tiger Lake

11th Gen Intel Core processors with Intel Iris Xe graphics v2
11th Gen Intel Core mobile processors, built on Intel’s 10nm SuperFin process, introduce the all-new Willow Cove architecture, which includes new CPU and GPU optimization and capabilities, greater AI acceleration, the fastest connectivity and more. They were introduced on Sept. 2, 2020. (Credit: Intel Corporation)

Intel 今天宣佈第 11 代流動版處理器 Tiger Lake,儘管仍是 10nm 制程「改進」,但在 Superfin 技術加持下,令處理器可以在更低電壓下運作。Intel 表示 Tiger Lake 比上一代 Ice Lake 有 20% 以上性能提升,而當中 AI 性能更提升 5 倍,而圖像處理 Iris Xe 更比以往有雙倍的效能提升。

11th Gen Intel Core processors with Intel Iris Xe graphics v2

而 Tiger Lake 也提升了 WiFi 6、Thunderbolt 4 及 PCIe Gen4 的支援,也提升了 AV1 硬件解碼,可實現 8K@60 的螢幕輸出,又或者以 4K@60fps 輸出 4 個螢幕。


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新處理器分別有 9 款,當中包括 Core i3、i5、i7,時脈最快達 4.8GHz。另外,Intel 今次也順便更換了新 Logo,風格跟以往有明顯的不同。

11th Gen Intel Core Badges

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