Intel:晶片短缺問題最惡劣情況未過 最快要待 2023 年

11th Gen Intel Core processors with Intel Iris Xe graphics v2
11th Gen Intel Core mobile processors, built on Intel’s 10nm SuperFin process, introduce the all-new Willow Cove architecture, which includes new CPU and GPU optimization and capabilities, greater AI acceleration, the fastest connectivity and more. They were introduced on Sept. 2, 2020. (Credit: Intel Corporation)

晶片短缺是科技界最關注的問題,但何時才走出谷底?Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger 向彭博表示,晶片短缺會持續惡化,要等到2023 年才有機會達至供求平衡。


Pat Gelsinger 認為,現時問題仍未達最惡劣的情況,估計最差的情況會在 2021 年年底前出現。2021年下半年半導體的供應會進入最低點。他不會預期情況會在 2023 年前好轉,而對多個行業而言,在變好之前會變得更惡劣。而這是沒有解決方法,因為增產不是短期可做到的事。

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