日前,由《華爾街日報》記者 Tim Higgins 撰寫的新書 Power Play: Tesla, Elon Musk and the Bet of the Century 提到 Tesla CEO Elon Musk 曾向 Tim Cook 表示同意 Apple 收購 Tesla 但他要成為 Apple CEO。

Indeed. Both Cook & I have been clear publicly that we have never spoken or otherwise communicated. I tried to speak to him & he declined.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 30, 2021
Nor have I ever expressed any interest in running Apple to anyone. Cook is, all things considered, obviously doing an incredible job.
而 Elon Musk 即時在 Twitter 公開澄清此事,表示他及 Tim Cook 從未談論及溝通過,即使他曾嘗試找 Tim Cook,也被他拒絕。他從來沒有向任何人表示過想管理蘋果公司。