【網購優惠】Bose QuietComfort 35 II 無線降噪耳機限時特價 57 折

bose q2

Bose 耳機相當出色,而它的無線耳機評價也很好,近日 Amazon 推出美區限定的折扣,Bose QuietComfort 35 II 限時特價 57 折。

bose q1

Bose QuietComfort 35 II Wireless Bluetooth Headphones, Noise-Cancelling, with Alexa Voice Control - Black
  • Three levels of world-class noise cancellation for better listening experience in any environment
  • Alexa-enabled for voice access to music, information, and more
  • Noise-rejecting dual-microphone system for clear sound and voice pick-up
  • Balanced Audio performance at any volume
  • Hassle-free Bluetooth pairing, personalized settings, access to future updates, and more through the Bose connect app.Usb cable: 12 inch

雖然 Bose 產品只售美國地區,想購買的朋友可透過集運(簡易港台教學)進行,一般約 7-10 天可送到。

數量有限,特價貨品一閃即逝。Amazon 價格會隨時改動,購前請留意折扣是否跟上文相同。

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