
Intel 12th Gen Mobile 1
Intel unveils the 12th Gen Intel Core mobile processor family led by the launch of 8 new H-series mobile processors, based on Intel’s performance hybrid architecture. The eight new mobile processors were introduced Jan. 4, 2022. (Credit: Intel Corporation)

來自 Digitimes 的報導指今年高性能的 CPU、GPU 及 FPGA 晶片供應商會預期將在 2022 年大幅提高價格,原因是要抵消不斷上漲的成本及持續高企的運費。

intel gen12 core

報導指台積電在今年起將代工價格提升 10% 至 20%,所以 AMD 在生產 7nm 及 5nm 晶片也因此而調升價格,而 Nvidia 也有同樣的情況。

至於 Intel 已將新型 HPC 晶片外包給台積電,加上要建新晶圓廠,所以開支大增下也同樣會將今年產品價格調升。

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