近年來時常有《GTA 6》的相關開發傳言,不過 Rockstar Games 本身並沒有確認這項消息,直到近日,儘管尚未定名為「GTA 6」,但官方已透過 Twitter 確認了新作的開發消息。
Rockstar 目前並未揭露新作的發售日、遊戲設定等相關資訊,不過他們也表示會盡快釋出更多的情報,並感謝玩家們的支持。
Many of you have been asking about a new entry in the Grand Theft Auto series.With every new project, our goal is always to significantly move beyond what we've previously delivered. We're pleased to confirm that active development for the next entry in the series is underway.— Rockstar Games (@RockstarGames) February 4, 2022
Many of you have been asking about a new entry in the Grand Theft Auto series.With every new project, our goal is always to significantly move beyond what we've previously delivered. We're pleased to confirm that active development for the next entry in the series is underway.
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