全新 Kindle 2022 登場 6 吋 300 ppi 螢幕容量倍增


今天,Amazon 宣佈推出全新入門版 Kindle 2022,定價 99 美元。有別於進階用戶的 Kindle Paperwhite,從前 Kindle 入間版的解像度也是較低,而 Kindle 2022 則提升至 300 ppi,跟 Paperwhite  及 Oasis 看齊。

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螢幕使用 6 吋大小,提供 4 LED,雖然比 Paperwhite 的 6.8 吋 17 LED 規格低,但對電子閱讀來說已經相當足夠。


入門版 Kindle 2022 的儲存空間從上一代 8GB 提升至 16 GB。另外,它沒有防水功能,這一點大家要注意。

Amazon Kindle – The lightest and most compact Kindle, with extended battery life, adjustable front light, and 16 GB storage – Black
  • The lightest and most compact Kindle, now with a 300 ppi high-resolution display for sharp text and images.
  • Read comfortably with a glare-free, paper-like display. The adjustable front light and dark mode make reading effortless, day and night.
  • Get lost in your story. Tune out messages, emails, and social media with a distraction-free device specifically made for reading.
  • Now with extended battery life – A single charge via USB-C lasts up to 6 weeks.
  • Now with 16 GB to store thousands of books – Double the storage capacity of the previous generation.

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