支援手寫筆 10.2 吋 Kindle Scribe 登場

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實體書跟電子書有不少分別,其中一些實體書愛好者會說,喜歡用筆在書上做筆記及劃線的感覺,以往 Kindle 一直不能支援。Amazon 今天宣佈推出首款支援手寫筆的 Kindle 裝置,名為 Kindle Scribe。這是一款 10.2 吋大的 e-ink 電子閱讀器,當中解像度達 300 ppi,螢幕有如一台平板電腦。Kindle Scribe 的電力足夠使用數個月,加上手寫筆無須充電,絕對是一眾電子閱讀愛好者期待已久的 Kindle 裝置。

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10.2 吋 300ppi 巨大螢幕

Kindle 使用電子墨水技術,令閱讀感覺像實體書一般,不會像 iPad 等螢幕如此刺眼,讓閱讀者有最舒適的體驗。而這次 Amazon 在 Kindle Scribe 中用上 10.2 吋 300 ppi 螢幕,用戶更可在螢幕上以手寫筆進行書寫,方便進行筆記,滿足喜歡在書上記下重點的人。

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除了看書外,它更是你的記事本,方便用戶隨時寫 Note、ToDo List 或行事排程。

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用戶可透過 Kindle App 或桌面的瀏覽器,直接輸入文件,以 Kindle Scribe 進行批改,當中支援 PDF 格式。官方表示,2023 年更可用戶透過 Microsoft Word 匯入文件。

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手寫筆方面,它無須充電,而且可以磁力將筆固定在 Kindle Scribe 機身。另外,Kindle Scribe 設有一款名為 Premium Pen 的筆可供選擇,當中提供了「刷膠」功能及捷徑按鈕。

定價 339.99 美元起

Kindle Scribe 已正式接受預購,容量分別有 16GB、32GB 及 64GB,並有 Basic Pen 及 Premium Pen 兩個版本可選。Basic Pen 版定價 339.99 美元起,而 Premium 版定價 369.99 美元起。出貨日期為 2022 年 11 月 30 日。

Amazon Kindle Scribe (16 GB) - Now write directly on books and documents. With built-in notebook summarization. A Kindle and notebook, all in one. Includes Basic Pen
  • A Kindle and a notebook, all in one - Read and write down thoughts in books and documents, now with Active Canvas. Take notes in the built-in notebook, now with AI notebook tools.
  • Write in books as inspiration strikes - Start writing directly on the page and Active Canvas will create space for your notes.
  • Create notebooks - Journal, sketch, take meeting notes, and more. Summarize and refine your notes with new built-in AI notebook tools.
  • Import and mark up documents - Review and take notes directly on documents and PDFs.
  • Read and write as naturally as you do on paper - With a 10.2" 300 ppi glare-free, front-lit display.
Amazon Kindle Scribe (16 GB) - 10.2” 300 ppi Paperwhite display, a Kindle and a notebook all in one, convert notes to text and share, includes Premium Pen
  • THE FIRST KINDLE WITH A DIGITAL NOTEBOOK AND PEN – Read and write down thoughts in books or a separate notebook, distraction free. Selected one of Oprah’s Favorite Things 2023.
  • EXPLORE KINDLE NOTEBOOKS – A digital notebook you can write on. Journal, sketch, take notes, and more.
  • CONVERT HANDWRITTEN NOTES TO TEXT – View or share your notes with contacts and browse notes on the go through the Kindle app.
  • READ AND WRITE AS NATURALLY AS YOU DO ON PAPER – The world’s first 10.2" 300 ppi glare-free, front-lit display.
  • TAKE HANDWRITTEN NOTES AS YOU READ – Write notes within millions of titles in the Kindle Store.

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