【限時特價】Kindle Oasis、Kindle Paperwhite 71 折起

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Kindle 是很多人電子書愛好者的首選,雖然 Kindle Paperwhite 是最相宜的選擇,但真正愛電子書的人,Kindle Oasis 才是必然之選。不過 Kindle Oasis 是很少降價,而今次推出限時特價,千萬不要錯過!另外,性價比最高的 Kindle Paperwhite 2021 也提供限時特價,實在相當吸引!

頂級閱讀體驗 Kindle Oasis

Kindle Oasis 美國版 72 折,而沒有廣告的 Kindle Oasis 國際版則提供 74 折!Oasis 系列是 Kindle 高階用戶向的產品,當中提供 7 吋 300ppi 螢幕,而且有實體翻頁鍵,讓用戶有更佳的閱讀體驗!

Kindle Oasis – With 7” display and page turn buttons
  • Our best 7", 300 ppi flush-front Paperwhite display.
  • Adjustable warm light to shift screen shade from white to amber.
  • Waterproof (IPX8) so you can read in the bath or by the pool. Your Kindle has been tested to withstand accidental immersion in water.
  • Thin and light ergonomic design with page turn buttons.
  • Reads like real paper with the latest e-ink technology for fast page turns.
International Version – Kindle Oasis – Now with adjustable warm light - 8 GB, Graphite
  • Our best 7", 300ppi flush-front Paperwhite display
  • Adjustable warm light to shift screen shade from white to amber
  • Waterproof (IPX8) so you can read in the bath or by the pool
  • Thin and light ergonomic design with page turn buttons
  • Reads like real paper with the latest e-ink technology for fast page turns

性價比最高 Kindle Paperwhite

Kindle Paperwhite 是自 2018 年以來首度改款。新的 Kindle Paperwhite 使用更幼的邊框,螢幕也由以往 6 吋增大至 6.8 吋,螢幕點距仍然是 300 ppi,最大亮度比以往增加 10%。電力方面,全新 Kindle Paperwhite 改用 USB-C 充電,一次充電足夠使用 10 周。另外,Kindle Paperwhite 有 IPX8 級防水,即使掉進 2 米深的泳池 60 分鐘也沒有問題。今天美版 Kindle Paperwhite 限時特價 71 折,沒廣告的國際版 75 折。

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Amazon Kindle Paperwhite (8 GB) – Now with a larger display, adjustable warm light, increased battery life, and faster page turns – Black
  • Kindle Paperwhite – Now with a 6.8” display and thinner borders, adjustable warm light, up to 10 weeks of battery life, and 20% faster page turns.
  • Purpose-built for reading – With a flush-front design and 300 ppi glare-free display that reads like real paper, even in bright sunlight.
  • More books in more places – Store thousands of titles, then take them all with you. A single charge via USB-C last weeks, not hours.
  • Easy on the eyes – Now with adjustable warm light to shift screen shade from white to amber.
  • Waterproof reading – Built to withstand accidental immersion in water, so you’re good from the beach to the bath.
International Version – Kindle Paperwhite (8 GB) – Now with a 6.8" display and adjustable warm light – Without Lockscreen Ads
  • Kindle Paperwhite – Now with a 6.8” display and thinner borders, adjustable warm light, up to 10 weeks of battery life, and 20% faster page turns.
  • Purpose-built for reading – With a flush-front design and 300 ppi glare-free display that reads like real paper, even in bright sunlight.
  • More books in more places – Store thousands of titles, then take them all with you. A single charge via USB-C last weeks, not hours.
  • Easy on the eyes – Now with adjustable warm light to shift screen shade from white to amber.
  • Waterproof reading – Built to withstand accidental immersion in water, so you’re good from the beach to the bath.

留意,Kindle 在美國 Amazon 不設海外送貨,但只要用集運公司(港台集運教學)便能夠送到大家手上。

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