【Black Friday】HK $1700 / NT $7200 買 Meta Quest 3S

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早前,Meta 宣佈進出 Meta Quest 3S 頭戴裝置,比起 Meta Quest 3 價格更低但功能相約,成為不少想一試 AR/VR 產品的入門首選。今天,Meta 宣佈推 Amazon Black Friday 優惠,128GB 版定價 299 美元,現在送 75 美元 Amazon Gift Card(直接 E-mail Code 給用戶),變相 224 美元(約 HK$1700/NT$7200)就能入手!

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Meta Quest 3S 是一款高性價比的混合實境(MR)裝置,搭載 Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 處理器及 8GB RAM,提供流暢的操作體驗。配備單眼解析度 1832 x 1920 的 LCD 顯示器,具備清晰的視覺效果和約 96 度的水平視野,同時支援彩色穿透模式,讓使用者輕鬆切換虛擬與現實世界。

Meta Quest 3S 內建 4324mAh 電池,可持續使用約 2.5 小時,並提供 128GB 與 256GB 兩種儲存版本選擇。

Meta Quest 3S 128GB — Get Batman: Arkham Shadow and a 3-Month Trial of Meta Quest+ Included — All-in-One Headset
  • $75 Promotional credit offered 11/24-11/30 and $100 credit offered 12/1 will be deducted from all returns and refunds. Limit one per customer, credit will be distributed by email within 24 hours of product shipping.
  • Transform your reality and do everything you love in totally new ways. Welcome to Meta Quest 3S. Now you can get the Batman: Arkham Shadow* and a 3-month trial of Meta Quest+** (a combined $70 value) with purchase. Batman: Arkham Shadow available to play 10/22.
  • Explore thousands of unreal experiences with mixed reality, where you can blend digital objects into the room around you or dial up the immersion in VR.
  • Have more fun with friends in Quest. Whether you’re stepping into an immersive game with people from around the world, watching a live concert together in Meta Horizon or inviting everyone over to cast your play onto the TV.
  • Multi-tasking has never been this easy. Pull up multiple screens at once to browse the web, watch YouTube and direct message with friends — all while keeping your room in view.


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