Black Friday 優惠 Google Pixel 4 /4 XL 無鎖版 75 折

Google 在 Amazon 推出 Google Pixel 4 /4 XL 無鎖版優惠,白色版 Pixel 4 64 GB 75 折、Pixel 4 XL 78 折。價格相同優惠,想買這台最強攝影 Google 手機的朋友别錯過!

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雖然 Kindle 在美國 Amazon 不設海外送貨,但只要用集運公司(港台集運教學)便能夠送到大家手上。不過買國際版則可以直送香港/台灣,但售價略高美版一點。

數量有限,特價貨品一閃即逝。Amazon 價格會隨時改動,購前請留意折扣是否跟上文相同。

Pixel 4 - Clearly White - 64GB - Unlocked
  • Point and shoot for the perfect photo. Capture brilliant color and control the exposure balance of different parts of your photos.
  • Get the shot without the flash. Night Sight is now faster and easier to use it can even take photos of the Milky Way.
  • Get more done with your voice. The new Google Assistant is the easiest way to send texts, share photos, and more.
  • A new way to control your phone. Quick Gestures let you skip songs and silence calls – just by waving your hand above the screen.
  • End the robocalls. With Call Screen, the Google Assistant helps you proactively filter our spam before your phone ever rings.
Google Pixel 4 - Clearly White 128GB - Unlocked
  • Capture Brilliant Photos: Point and shoot for the perfect photo with brilliant color and exposure balance control.
  • Night Sight: Capture stunning photos even in low light with Night Sight and improved performance.
  • Voice Control: Get more done with your voice using Google Assistant to send texts and share photos.
  • Quick Gestures: Control your phone with simple hand gestures to skip songs and silence calls.
  • Call Screen: End robocalls with the Google Assistant helping filter spam calls before they ring.
Google Pixel 4 XL - Clearly White - 64GB - Unlocked
  • Capture Brilliant Photos: Point and shoot for the perfect photo with brilliant color and control the exposure balance of different parts of your photos.
  • Night Sight: Get the shot without the flash with Night Sight that is now faster and easier to use.
  • Voice Control: Get more done with your voice using the new Google Assistant to send texts, share photos, and more.
  • Quick Gestures: A new way to control your phone with Quick Gestures that let you skip songs and silence calls by waving your hand above the screen.
  • Call Screen: End the robocalls with Call Screen that helps you proactively filter spam before your phone ever rings.
Google Pixel 4 XL - Clearly White - 128GB - Unlocked
  • Point and shoot for the perfect photo. Capture brilliant color and control the exposure balance of different parts of your photos.
  • Get the shot without the flash. Night Sight is now faster and easier to use it can even take photos of the Milky Way.
  • Get more done with your voice. The new Google Assistant is the easiest way to send texts, share photos, and more. [1]
  • A new way to control your phone. Quick Gestures let you skip songs and silence calls – just by waving your hand above the screen. [2]
  • End the robocalls. With Call Screen, the Google Assistant helps you proactively filter our spam before your phone ever rings. IP68 dust and water protection

→Black Friday 2019 必買產品一覽(不斷更新)

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