相信很多人也見過免費 App 但卻用了訂閱制度,當中提供數天免費試用,如果你忘記了取消,就很易墮進「免費試用」訂閱陷阱。開發者 David Barnard 發現近日 iOS 14.5 Beta 2 中出現了一些小改動,當有「免費試用」時,會更清晰地顯示試用的日期及服務的收費價格,例如每周多少錢、每月多少錢。
Apple appears to making some changes to the “buy sheet” on iOS 14.5. Not quite as dramatic as I hope they’ll eventually do, but headed the right direction. iOS 14.5 beta 2 vs iOS 14.4 https://t.co/miDq0HPdSY pic.twitter.com/QIqQVvkcDi— David Barnard (@drbarnard) February 19, 2021
Apple appears to making some changes to the “buy sheet” on iOS 14.5. Not quite as dramatic as I hope they’ll eventually do, but headed the right direction. iOS 14.5 beta 2 vs iOS 14.4 https://t.co/miDq0HPdSY pic.twitter.com/QIqQVvkcDi
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