新版 Amazon Echo Buds 加入主動降噪功能 性價比高

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近年,無線耳機已成大廠的必爭之地,即使沒有音響經驗的公司也要進場。Amazon 早在 2019 年 9 月推出第一代無線耳機 Echo Buds,重點是整合 Amazon 的 Alexa 助手。而 Amazon 今天發佈會新一代 Echo Buds 無線耳機,改進相當顯著,並以 AirPods Pro 作為對手,但售價就便宜近一半。

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Amazon 第二代 Echo Buds 比上一代細小了 20%,而且音質提升,並加入能跟 AirPods Pro 媲美的主動式降噪(ANC)功能,比第一代在降噪方面效果提升一倍。跟 AirPods Pro 相約,使用 ANC 功能前會進行耳朵 Fit Test,Echo Buds 有 4 種不同大小的耳塞提供,也有 2 款大小的耳廓墊(Wing Tips)可選用。另外,它的收音方面也因為升級了麥克風而有所改進。

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連播 5 小時

Echo Buds 能連續播放 5 小時音樂,若配合充電盒可以使用 15 小時。它的快速充電功能,只需充電 15 分鐘即可播放音樂 2 小時。Echo Buds 分別有無線及有線充電盒版本,無線版定價 139.99 美元,而 USB-C 有線充電版則售 119.99 美元。值得一提,新 Echo Buds 正進行預售,有線版只需 99.99 美元,而無線版則售 119.99,兩者也減 20 美元。

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▲ Echo Buds 在 iOS、Android 也可使用,可支援 Siri 及 Google 助手。

Amazon Echo Buds with Active Noise Cancellation (newest model), Wireless charging case, Black
  • Dynamic audio and active noise cancellation (ANC) - Premium speakers deliver crisp, balanced sound. Sealed in-ear design and ANC limit background noise.
  • Customize your audio - Audio Personalization helps tune audio for your unique hearing preferences to enhance your enjoyment of music and more.
  • Compact and comfortable - Echo Buds with Active Noise Cancellation are small, light, and IPX4 sweat-resistant, with a secure, customizable fit that's made to move with you.
  • Hands-free entertainment - Works with the Alexa app to stream music, play podcasts, and read Audible audiobooks—just ask. Use your voice to make calls, set reminders, add items to your shopping list, and more.
  • Seamless switching — Connect to two devices at the same time and automatically move between devices with multipoint pairing. Move from a video call on your laptop to music on your phone without skipping a beat.
Amazon Echo Buds with Active Noise Cancellation (newest model), Wired charging case, Black
  • Dynamic audio and active noise cancellation (ANC) - Premium speakers deliver crisp, balanced sound. Sealed in-ear design and ANC limit background noise.
  • Customize your audio - Audio Personalization helps tune audio for your unique hearing preferences to enhance your enjoyment of music and more.
  • Compact and comfortable - Echo Buds with Active Noise Cancellation are small, light, and IPX4 sweat-resistant, with a secure, customizable fit that's made to move with you.
  • Hands-free entertainment - Works with the Alexa app to stream music, play podcasts, and read Audible audiobooks—just ask. Use your voice to make calls, set reminders, add items to your shopping list, and more.
  • Seamless switching — Connect to two devices at the same time and automatically move between devices with multipoint pairing. Move from a video call on your laptop to music on your phone without skipping a beat.

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