【網購優惠】Apple MagSafe Charger 限時特價 77 折


iPhone 12 設有 MagSafe,當然必須另購才可使用。今天 Amazon 推出 MagSafe Charger 限時優惠,高達 77 折,僅售 29.85 美元,對各位 iPhone 12 用戶實在是天大的喜訊!

留意,Apple 產品在美國 Amazon 不設海外送貨,但只要用集運公司(港台集運教學)便能夠送到大家手上。

MagSafe Charger 1

數量有限,特價貨品一閃即逝。Amazon 價格會隨時改動,購前請留意折扣是否跟上文相同。

Apple MagSafe Charger - Wireless Charger with Fast Charging Capability, Compatible with iPhone and AirPods
  • The MagSafe Charger makes wireless charging a snap. The perfectly aligned magnets attach to your iPhone 12 or later to provide faster wireless charging up to 15W.
  • The MagSafe Charger maintains compatibility with Qi charging, so it can be used to wirelessly charge your iPhone 8 or later, as well as AirPods models with a wireless charging case, as you would with any Qi-certified charger.
  • The magnetic alignment experience only applies to iPhone 12, iPhone 13, iPhone 14,and iPhone 15.
  • This wireless charger has a USB-C integrated cable (1 m)
  • Recommended to be used with Apple 20W USB-C Power Adapter (sold separately)

購買美版的 AppleCare 保修問題

不少人也對海外購買 Apple 產品的保修有疑問,其實 Apple 產品很多時也是全球性維修,不過 AppleCare+ 的意外換機則必須要原來的購買地才可。那就是你不能買美國版 AppleCare+ 在香港/台灣要求意外更換,必須要在美國更換。不過,維修一般沒有問題,當然每個地區的 Apple Store 也有其不同的準則。

留意:香港用戶如使用 HSBC RED 卡網上購物簽賬可享 4%「獎賞錢」。

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