【Mac 教室】免費工具一鍵隱藏 MacBook 瀏海教學
蘋果推出的 MacBook 產品中,目前全系列都使用了最新的「瀏海」設計,就像過去的 iPhone X 到 iPhone 13 系列,對於不少用戶來說,MacBook 瀏海可以說是相當礙眼!不過,Apple 高層指出 MacBook Pro 瀏海是「聰明」的方法,能給用戶更多的空間。如果你不喜歡瀏海,這次介紹一套名為 TopNotch 的免費工具,可以助你隱藏 MacBook 瀏海!
Apple has made a quiet update to the tech specs of the M2 iPad Air, which first launched last month. Despite originally touting the iPad Air’s M2 chip as featuring a 10-core GPU, the company now says it features a 9-core GPU.
more…Apple is out with its latest ad for the and Apple Pencil Pro. The new spot features three different animators’ takes on the same green screen footage in a side-by-side video. Check it out below.
more…Chrome for iPhone and iPad has introduced a big quality-of-life improvement with the ability to customize the menu bar.