iPhone 15 及 iPhone 15 Pro 最新傳聞功能一覽
今年,蘋果正式宣佈將於 9 月 12 日舉行發佈會,預計將推出 iPhone 15 系列。預期今年的 iPhone 15 系列,依舊是兩款入門型號和兩款高端型號,分別是 6.1 吋的 iPhone 15 標準版、iPhone 15 Pro,以及…
Here’s a late Friday tidbit I’ve heard for #iPhone15. Multiple sources have told me Apple will indeed use the “iPhone 15 Ultra” monicker for the plus-sized pro phone. This was an early rumor that got backpedaled. Most have since referred to it as iPhone 15 Pro Max.
— Andrew O'Hara (@Andrew_OSU) August 19, 2023