VMware 發送福利:Workstation Pro 及 Fusion Pro 個人版完全免費
Broadcom 於 2022 年 5 月宣佈收購 VMware,而有關的交易已於去年 11 月完成,而隨著 VMware 易主,其商業模式也有一些改變。近日,隨著 Fusion 和 Workstation 完成融入 Broadcom 的整合,VMware 正在對其產品線進行重大變革,就是將…
Right in lockstep with Apple’s fall updates, Parallels Desktop 19 is here right on schedule with some exciting enhancements around macOS Sonoma integration, a new design, and a new Password-less Sign-in with Touch ID. If you use virtualization for your daily work on macOS, it’s a great update, so stay ready as we dive into all the latest features.