即將淘汰 Amazon 將於 Mac 推出新版《Kindle》
Mac 上的《Kindle》推出至今收穫了大量的負面評價,儘管 Amazon 對此 app 的更新頻率不算太低,仍難以改變它設計不佳的事實。如今在 1.40.2 更新後,Amazon 將該 app 的名稱從原先的《Kindle》改為《Kindle Classic》,似乎在說明官方早已著手開發 Mac 版本的全新《Kindle》。 據 Good-E-Reader 報導,《Kindle Classic》將於今年…
Right in lockstep with Apple’s fall updates, Parallels Desktop 19 is here right on schedule with some exciting enhancements around macOS Sonoma integration, a new design, and a new Password-less Sign-in with Touch ID. If you use virtualization for your daily work on macOS, it’s a great update, so stay ready as we dive into all the latest features.